The Scoliosis Campaign Fund is a joint fundraising venture between the Scoliosis Association (UK) and the British Scoliosis Research Foundation, with the common aim of improving the lives of those with scoliosis.
Scoliosis is the abnormal curving and twisting of the spine. Although many people have not heard of the condition it is surprisingly common, with 3 - 4 children per thousand needing specialist supervision.
A development disorder, scoliosis is rarely present at birth. It can develop in infancy or early childhood and is sometimes caused by rare disorders. However, it is most common during teenage years, when - especially in adolescence - it can progress rapidly.
A child might have to endure years of hospital treatment, wear a brace for up to 20 hours a day, and have major spinal surgery in which metal rods are inserted in an attempt to straighten the spine.
The causes of scoliosis are many, and although we well understand the consequences, the origins of this condition remain complex, obscure, and uncertain. Research into the condition continues, but as yet there is no cure.
In supporting our cause you would help to ensure the two small organisations continue to fund research to find a cure, and provide the invaluable information, advice and support so desperately needed by those with the condition.
Thank you for your support.