Haig Housing Trust, known as Haig Housing, was formed in 2008 as a ‘sister’ charity to Douglas Haig Memorial Homes (Haig Homes). The two Trusts were amalgamated on 1st October 2013.
The object of Haig Housing is to provide housing assistance to ex-Service people and/or their dependants. Currently this object is achieved by letting general needs homes at affordable rents to the ex-Service community, and providing tailored housing solutions to suit the individual needs of severely wounded and disabled Veterans. Haig Housing also offers a wide range of housing advice to the Service community and is the Strategic Housing Partner of Help for Heroes.
The Trust has over 1,560 properties throughout the UK, located in over 50 different local authorities, which are a mix of family-sized houses, flats, maisonettes and bungalows. The properties are generally on small, well-managed estates ranging in size from six houses up to the largest estate in Morden of over 320 homes. Our newest estate of 62 homes was opened by our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen in October 2019.
By playing our lottery you are helping us provide more homes and better service to our Veterans in need. From all of us, we thank you.